At first, the reason horror rap fans started illegally downloading horror rap tunes from Psychopathic Records artists was because they were free. At the dawn of the download era, this type of temptation was understandable. Why pay for Twiztid’s new album when you can download a Twiztid torrent instead? That was probably the thought process behind many horror rap fans’ decision to do things like download Twiztid torrents illegally.

However, since that wild west phase on the internet more than a decade ago, it’s become apparent that doing things like illegally downloading Twiztid torrents, or torrents of any Psychopathic Records artist, is seriously damaging to that artist’s livelihood. It’s a misconception that musicians like those signed to Psychopathic Records are so wealthy that they can live large without people purchasing their horror rap music.

Yes, these musicians may be better off than you or I, but the fact of the matter is that when you steal music from and Psychopathic Records artist, they start cutting their staff, many of which are essential to their career’s progression.

Imagine that most fans of Psychopathic Records horror rap artist Twiztid started downloading Twiztid torrents for free online instead of buying them through, iTunes, or a traditional record store. When Twiztid starts feeling the financial pinch, he might cut his publicist. Without his publicist, he won’t be scoring nearly as many promotional gigs. Without those gigs, people won’t know about his concerts or new work, and eventually he start seeing less money in every aspect of his career.

This type of chain reaction as mentioned in the Twiztid torrent scenario is the reason why many artists have vanished off the face of the earth, including horror rap artists. Just because you’re signed to Psychopathic Records does not mean you’re immune! 

Now that we as a society have had a decade to witness the cycle of artists who’ve fallen victim to things like the Twiztid torrent scenario mentioned above, it’s time we change our actions to better accommodate artists we admire.

There’s some truth to the statement that Psychopathic Records artists wouldn’t have reached nearly the fame they enjoy today without the help of websites that give out things like Twiztid torrents. However, empty fame is less valuable than a smaller group of devoted, paying fans. Horror rap artists everywhere can get behind a sentiment like that.

The moral of the story is to pass up the next opportunity you have to take action on a Twiztid torrent or other Psychopathic Records horror rap artist illegal download. You may not think it will have an immediate impact, but you’re wrong! The last thing any horror rap fan wants is for there to be no more horror rap left to enjoy!

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All musicians, including horror rap artists signed to Psychopathic Records, have felt a financial hit thanks to the internet offering up things like Twiztid torrents for free. To learn more about Twiztid’s albums and purchase them legally, please visit